Sapphire you should of been the front on the 25th anniversary edition of voloptuous!
Sapphire Then
Sapphire Then
A tribute to the award-winning Sapphire. We discovered Sapphire in 2003, one of the great girls and one of the stars of My Big Plump Wedding. At the time of her debut, Sapphire's hot body was voluptuous and she made the cover of V-mag July '03. Little did we know at the time that this redheaded secretary and girl-next-door from California would become not only a regular at Voluptuous but a regular at XLGirls as Sapphire began her progression to bigger tits and bigger ass. She was Voluptuous magazine's Plumper of the Year three years in a row; 2006, 2007 and 2008, a run of victories that may never be equaled. Whenever a new model emerges, you never really know how things will work out. Fortunately for the big-boob universe, Sapphire proved that she's here to stay. "Actually, it's only men who don't know that I'm a natural redhead, although I know they'd like to find out for sure," 42-28-38 Sapphire told us in 2003 (November '03 V-mag). "Women know because my color is a red you can't get from dye. People try to dye their hair so it looks like this, but they can't. It's like, really, really red. Women can tell." This pictorial was shot two years later in 2005. In the next pictorial shot two years later in 2007, you'll see yet another spectacular, mouthwatering breast and bod expansion of Sapphire in a never-before-seen photo series. Sapphire rules!
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Cassie Blanca, Maria Moore, Rose Valentina, Samantha 38G, and Sapphire
55 Pics
Cassie Blanca, Maria Moore, Samantha 38G, Sapphire, Carlos Rios, and Levi Cash
105 Pics
Cassie Blanca, Maria Moore, Rose Valentina, Samantha 38G, and Sapphire
83 Pics
Aspen, Cherry Brady, Desire Monet, Devin Taylor, Dusty Rose, Kaitlin Klien, Kerry Marie, Lenka, Maria Moore, Maria Verbeck, Miranda, Monique, Monique L'Amour, Samantha Kay, Sapphire, Sasha Brabuster, Scarlett Webb, Stacy Lee, Taylor Stevens, and Tyler Banks
80 Pics
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