Sapphire In Blossom

Sapphire In Blossom

This never-before-published photo set of Sapphire was shot at the end of 2007 and shows the dramatic difference in Sapphire's body compared to how she originally looked in the previous pictorial (called "Sapphire Then") taken two years earlier in 2005. A Plumper of the Year award winner three times, Sapphire believed that winning in that Voluptuous magazine contest was a validation. "I think it shows that real men out there don't care so much for the type of woman everyone is told they should like," Sapphire told an editor. "You know, the anorexic type. I'm a real woman with real, big boobs who lives a real life. I'm grateful for the guys out there who are turned on by a full-figured female. I think most men feel that way, if they were honest with themselves." At first, Sapphire didn't want to do boy-girl scenes. We were the first when she eventually went for the full menu. Most models who don't do boy-girl will say that sex is too graphic or too personal to show it to the world or that they have a significant other or family members who would object. What was Sapphire's reason for waiting? "I don't know. I was just new to any kind of posing at first and my answer was just no. After I did my first shoots and got more comfortable with how it's done and how professional everyone is here, I felt like it was right to take it to another level. It was exciting. I think it may have gotten some more attention for me, so yeah, it may have gotten me a few more votes. I know most guys like to see hardcore scenes so that's another reason I wanted to give it a try. Not to win an award, that was a total surprise, but just to please my fans even more than I was before. I wasn't a virgin, you know. I just hadn't done it on film. I like girls and boys so it came naturally to me, but I like having sex with men more. They can do things a girl just can't do for me. But I also appreciate the softness and sexiness of a woman's body and the special way they just seem to instinctively know how to touch mine." Sapphire rules! And by the way, who the heck was Sapphire calling on the telephone?

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Featuring: Sapphire
Date: December 20th, 2011
Photos: 51

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Member Comments

8 years ago 

I love you call me to come visit you in honey moon motel room after midnight, I knock the door then you open the door while you in complete naked then I hug & kissing you to bed then I fuck you very hard quickly with my big knob & Cum in you with in five minutes...

11 years ago 

The Best Woman :)...

11 years ago 

I agree with Dirty Bill. All due respect to Sapphire, but there needs to be more smoking newbies.

12 years ago 

All I want for Christmas is Sapphire on my face. I woukd settle
for a new vid and/or pictorial layout. She is in a league above
and beyond most of the new talent.

13 years ago 

Sapphire seems to have gotten more confident, more grounded in her sexuality and attractiveness, as
the years go on (or else you guys have very good acting coaches). Besides having an incredible body
that never goes out of style, it is attractive to see pictures of a sexy woman who knows, and owns the
fact that, she is sexy.

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